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Class Reviews

House w/ Jenay (Mix’d Ingrdnts) @ ODC SF

Classes starts January 23rd

Open to All Levels
Wednesdays 815-930PM

Check the website for more information:


VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
Teacher rating (5 = excellent. i.e. breakdown of movements, clarity, etc.
Fun Factor (5 being the most fun)
Cost (5 being the most affordable)
Difficulty (5 being the easiest)
Recommend (5 = highly recommended)
Rating: 4.2/5 (13 votes cast)


4 Responses to “House w/ Jenay (Mix’d Ingrdnts) @ ODC SF”

  1. Great class Jenay, really good break down, lots of fun I look forward to the next class.

    Posted by Joe Consolino | 04/26/2013, 5:39 am
  2. Ty Jenay for the awesome classes ! You always bring the possitive energy which encourages me to learn more . Im always looking forwards the next class knowing you always have new great moves to teach ! Ty and see you next week !

    Posted by Anthony Nicoya | 02/21/2013, 3:22 pm
  3. Ty Jenay for the awesmome classes ! You always bring the possitive energy which encourages me to learn more . Im always looking fowards the next class knowing you always have

    Posted by Anthony Nicoya | 02/21/2013, 3:17 pm
  4. 1st day of class starts this Weds Jan 23rd!

    Posted by One Cypher Dance Blog | 01/23/2013, 2:42 am

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