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Locking. Khan & Moon. Psy. Gangnam Locking Style

Locking. Khan & Moon. Psy. Gangnam Locking Style Awesomeness! Be sure to check out their performance on Korea’s Got Talent where they first used this graphics video concept.


2 Responses to “Locking. Khan & Moon. Psy. Gangnam Locking Style”

  1. Hi Minky, I’m sorry for any misunderstanding. They never named it that or claimed to create a new style. This was just a play on words using the song title and it’s lyrics at the time of writing this post. Totally agree that Don is the sole creator. Campbellock Forever!

    Posted by Dennis | 08/19/2021, 3:06 pm
  2. So basicly they do original locking that Don Campbell originated, and threw in the gangnam step from the song . And called
    that Gangnam Locking. Ok, so I can do my locking and toss the steps from THE ORIGINAL TWIST LETS SAY .THE DANCE FROM THE 1960s. And I can call it TWIST LOCKING.. WOW I AM AN ORIGINATOR..NOW I HAVE MY OWN STYLE…COOL

    Posted by Minky | 04/20/2021, 3:06 pm

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