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Dance With Ceech: Private & Semester Courses at Mission College

Dance With Ceech: Private & Semester Courses at Mission College. Take this class before? Read reviews and rate it here!

Ceech from the Legendary “Mindtricks”, DS Players, Culture Shock San Francisco. Teaches semester classes at Mission College Santa Clara, CA where you can learn Hip-Hop, Popping, and Locking. He is also available for private lessons.

To get more info contact Ceech.


VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
Teacher rating (5 = excellent. i.e. breakdown of movements, clarity, etc.
Fun Factor (5 being the most fun)
Cost (5 being the most affordable)
Difficulty (5 being the easiest)
Recommend (5 = highly recommended)
Rating: 4.6/5 (1 vote cast)


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