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moncell durden

This tag is associated with 4 posts

Everything Remains Raw, Documentary by Moncell Durden, Now Streaming Online

We are very excited to announce that Moncell Durden has publicly released his dance documentary, “Everything Remains Raw” for streaming online. The film was in a work-in-progress state for 10+ years, only previewing the latest cuts and edits at various events and panels.

USC To Offer African American Dance With Moncell Durden Fall 2016

Students at USC will now be able to learn from Moncell “Ill Kosby” Durden this Fall of 2016 featuring an African American Dance Class. How awesome is that?! I really wish we had these kinds of classes available while I was still attending school! Moncell is more than just an amazing dancer/teacher, he is a […]

Everything Remains Raw: A Historic Lineage of Hip-Hop Dance, Kickstarter

This film by E. Moncell Durden investigates the cultural and historical lineage of American social dance practices from the 1600s to 2013. Funding is needed to cover music clearances, production costs, etc! One Cypher supports this kickstarter! You should too!

Everything Remains Raw – Dance Documentary by Moncell Durden

One of the best dance documentaries on street dance by far. To be released soon!