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black messengers

This tag is associated with 4 posts

Oakland Boogaloo Conservatory Interview pt II

Bryce Hill interviews three members of the Black Messengers Chuck Powel, Steve Harris and Kearney Mayers at the Port of Oakland. Part 2.

Interview with Black Messengers, Chuck Powell and Steve Harris.

Check out this great interview on Bay Area history. Conducted by Bryce Hill aka Playboy Stix of Playboyz Inc., interviewing two members of the Black Messengers Chuck Powell and Steve Harris at the Oakland Museum. Dope gems dropped in this interview.

11/14 – Oakland Hip Hop Dance Institute

Celebrating Oakland’s Hip-Hop Dance Roots. Workshops, Panels, Performances and more!

A Little Dance History: Popping, Boogaloo, Robot, Strutting, Fillmore, etc

A breakdown of contributions from various dancers on the styles mentioned above.