Culture Shock October Company Class (w/Havic, April Bambao, Ace, Jet Li) – Taken this class before? Rate it here! (*you have to be a registered user to rate)
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Teacher rating (5 = excellent. i.e. breakdown of movements, clarity, etc.
One Response to “Culture Shock October Company Class”
April Bambao taught a fun and laid-back class. She really wanted her students to have fun and get the feel for how she wanted her choreo to be danced. Her loving personality and sense of humor brought a good environment for her students to let loose. Her style involves alot of energy, grooving, attitude and I HIGHLY recommend everyone to take her class!
April Bambao taught a fun and laid-back class. She really wanted her students to have fun and get the feel for how she wanted her choreo to be danced. Her loving personality and sense of humor brought a good environment for her students to let loose. Her style involves alot of energy, grooving, attitude and I HIGHLY recommend everyone to take her class!