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Popping Theory & Technique w/ SwitchVilla @ Purdance

11/09/2017 @ 8:30 pm – 9:30 pm
1530 Oakland Rd #135
San Jose, CA 95112

SwitchVilla teaches with his approach to the street dance style of Popping that has developed throughout his 10+ years of experience. He will go through drills that help improve the quality of individual techniques as well as explain the connection between music theory and movement.

SwitchVilla started dancing in 2002 in the city of Modesto, CA. He was heavily influenced by the Electric Boogaloo style as his first experience with the dance came by instructional videos with members of the Electric Boogaloos such as Mr. Wiggles, Popin Pete and the late Skeeter Rabbit. He then met Shake of the group California Soul, from which he learned how to blend different styles from the Bay Area and Fresno/LA.

Fee: $17 drop-ins
or $11-15/class with purdance multi-class pass

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