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90’s Hip-Hop: w/ Dennis Infante @ City Dance SF

11/01/2017 @ 8:15 pm – 9:30 pm
City Dance
10 Colton St
San Francisco, CA 94103
$14 dropins

90’s Hip-Hop Class, every Wednesday at City Dance SF w/ Dennis Infante.

A fun class that focuses on various party dances of the 80’s/90’s era, like The Running man, Roger Rabbit, Reebok, The Guess, etc. Learn fundamentals, variations, and a little choreography while dancing to music ranging from old school hip-hop, new jack swing, and 90s R&B. We also cover freestyle exercises on grooves, flow, transitions and groundwork. Class emphasis is mainly on the groove, and also great for cardio.

Dennis is a member of GroovMekanex, and The MuthaFunkers. He remains active in the dance community by participating in many aspects of the scene whether it’s on stage, in cyphers/battles, or DJing at various events. Check out his site at www.soulo1200s.com


VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
Teacher rating (5 = excellent. i.e. breakdown of movements, clarity, etc.
Fun Factor (5 being the most fun)
Cost (5 being the most affordable)
Difficulty (5 being the easiest)
Recommend (5 = highly recommended)
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)


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